Year: 2022

AAPI Heritage Month

During May, USC celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The month-long campaign aims to honor the cultural heritage, history, and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Logo lock-up for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, celebrating cultural diversity and unity.
Photograph mock-up featuring the AAPI logo lock-up displayed on the Galen Center Tilley Tower screen, celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage.
Mock-up of a group of students photographed in front of an AAPI step-and-repeat logo lock-up, highlighting Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage.
Photograph of USC Trousdale Banners adorned with AAPI graphics, showcasing Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage.
Phone mock-up featuring a student browsing the USC Instagram page adorned with AAPI graphics, highlighting Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage. Print flyer for an AAPI event at the USC campus, showcasing cultural celebration and community engagement.

Heritage Months campaigns at USC usually have many moving parts and may contain the following: Logo Lock-up, Social Media Rollout, Digital Screens, USC Trousdale Banners, Step and Repeat Banners and Print collateral.

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